I Want Your Book, Not A Book


Disclaimer: SickNotWeak does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content contains explicit and sensitive information that may not be suitable for all ages.

I don’t want you to buy me a book he said, 

I want YOUR book with the highlighting so I can understand the thoughts in your head. 

I want to know what hurt you in this world that has made getting to know you, so hard, 

I want to understand what led you to pick up that glass shard. 

It’s a vulnerable choice, I know, but it matters to me, 

I want more than face value; it’s your soul I want to see. 

I can see the pain in your eyes, you may fool some, 

But I can see right through your smile, inside you are glum. 

Hon, you don’t have to wear that mask around me,

I’m safe you know, but I understand it’s hard for you to believe.

You are so intriguing, I want to know more, 

But I will wait for you to feel safe opening that door. 

When you are ready, I will be here, 

And I’m not like the rest of them, my words are sincere. 

My birthday is January 27, if you feel so inclined, 

To share the book with the words underlined. 

“Women Who Love Too Much”, it leaves me curious,

And I want to know what you relate to, I’m serious. 

I want to comprehend how his love was a lie to you.

I want to understand what has created your tears,

And I want to see the reasoning behind your fears.

I want to know how you grew up, who the man was that misguided you,

I want to comprehend how his love was a lie to you.

You see, I know you have strength beyond what you show, 

But I understand that it’s your experiences that make you feel low.

I just want to be the best father that I can be,

And I want my little girl to come to me. 

I don’t want them to hurt, I want my little girl to prosper,

I don’t ever want to feel like I hurt her or lost her. 

I don’t want to use your pain as my selfish lesson, 

But hon, what you don’t see, is your story is a blessing. 

The highlighting in the book, that you find so relevant,

Will construct you into the mother that is very affectionate.

Your children will be blessed because you have a story, 

For your actions will be loving and they’ll be in their glory.

Whoever lead you wrong, whoever hurt you so deeply,

But because of that pain, you have the most loving heart. 

While they’ve caused you struggle, they haven’t broken you completely. 

In fact, right now you feel broken, right now you feel scarred,

But because of that pain, you have the most loving heart. 

I can see it, in your actions, even in a place of distrust, 

Your empathy is a core value, and for you it is a must. 

Even when you try to present your tough exterior, 

You’re not fooling me; I can see through your barrier. 

You are a beautiful soul, and that book is evidence, 

So please share with me, why it was so relevant. 

How did this story make you feel?


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amazing how well this author speaks to the core of my soul and my empathy has been my biggest blessing and biggest curse but I now feel blessed even by the pain fo it all

my kids never saw me give up and never sway or change from the person i am for one and for all….wish someone wanted my book and my family wasnt so ashamed when i tell my stories of adversity and resilience along with my adventureous spirit….they wanna silence me and medicate that which makes me the soul I am since I was in grade 4 hauled out of school class as Talented and Gifted or ADHD and all my life seen to high functioning to need any thing from anyone and not broken, sad, depressed, lost or simply a child so needed more……life after that is one trauma after another my life has never been and will never be my own to tell or share with anyone

The Author ;) (Alyssia)
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The gift is rising above and sharing your story anyways; regardless of what your family feels. It’s YOUR story. As a quote I saw once before, “Share your story, if they wanted you to speak in higher regards of them, they should have treated you better.”

Ps. Thanks for the kind words. I’m humbled.

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