Sharing Mental Health Challenges Saves Lives

Disclaimer: SickNotWeak does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content contains explicit and sensitive information that may not be suitable for all ages.

At #SickNotWeak, we know firsthand that sharing our mental health challenges saves lives. Join us now for an inspiring edition of #IsolationNation that’s dedicated to this theme. Michael Landsberg is joined by Tyson Williams and his wife Pam, as well as Sam Parker. Watch and share now!

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The use of electroshock or ECT has proved brain injuries by the CA courts around devices used. No FDA testing for safety or effectiveness. Dr. Bennet Omalu famous for findings of CTE in the NFL is stating similar outcomes expected given repeated brain injuries from electrical trauma in this. Current national device suit taking place in US. 5 billion in revenues from this practice in the US alone. Cover ups and harm for decades taking place at leading facilities. Used for many mental health conditions now and no longer a last resort. Patients are showing damages on testing. Increase in suicide after use of ECT in patients can find little help to address damages currently. This is also being used on our children and Veterans. Electrical trauma can evolve years out to include onset of ALS and ongoing cardiac issues as well. Given the situation of Covid more patients will be at risk for being offered this so inform yourselves. See ectjustice site and life after ECT site. If you have had ECT please contact the DK law group in CA to see if you qualify for joining the device suit. Please share this information with others in particular on public social as major media protecting providers and facilities.


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