Tell Your Story

Sharing Your Story Can Help You Just As Much As It Can Help Others

Calling all sufferers, supporters, caregivers …yeah, all of you! Every time you share your story, you’re doing your part to help others feel less alone. Whether you’re a seasoned writer, a novice, a poet or a rapper – we want to hear YOUR story.

Simply opening up and letting the world know what you’ve been through is a big step in breaking the stigma. Tell your friends, tell your neighbour, tell the world. Your story could be enough to save another person’s life. It’s that important.

Share your story with our community

Paperwork is no fun but before you get started on your piece, we just need you to fill out a few simple questions. Once we’ve gotten the inquiry, you’ll be receiving a response that includes the guidelines we ask all of our contributors to follow.

As for right now, we’re only taking written stories with the hope that in the near future we can expand to video, podcasting and all of that other fun multimedia stuff.

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