Please don’t ask me why


Disclaimer: SickNotWeak does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content contains explicit and sensitive information that may not be suitable for all ages.

Please don’t ask me why.

Because I would like to know why just as much as you.

Why I don’t want to get out of bed. Why the thought of taking a shower exhausts me to the point where my body thinks it’s already midnight and it’s time to go to sleep again.

“I’m depressed.”


Why. Why. Why.

Please don’t ask me why.

Because I would like to know why just as much as you.

Why. Why. Why.

Maybe it’s the chemicals in my brain. Maybe it’s stress. Maybe it’s a forgotten invitation. Maybe it’s all of the above.

“I’m depressed.”


Why. Why. Why.

Please don’t ask me why.

Because I would like to know why just as much you.

Instead of why ask me how you can help?

Ask me if there is anything you can do. Ask me if I need company or want to just be left alone in the comfort of my own bed.

I’ll tell you what I need. But I cannot tell you why.

Please don’t ask me why.

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